Croatian Architects´ Association (CAA)
2008 Kaptol Zagreb, Urban Design Competition
a competition sponsored by CITY OF ZAGREB
The aim and purpose of the competition is to obtain the best conceptual urban design and architectural solution for Kaptol which shall serve as a valid professional basis for the preparation of urban planning documentation for integral development of the said zone.
Total prize money is € 39.000, including €16.500 for the winning design.
The competition is open to all Croatian and international architects, landscape architects, planners, urban designers, artists and professional planning firms.
The objectives of this competition are:
• Urban requalification of the Kaptol area through its history, identity, contents and traffic elements.
• an encompassing rebuild of a very valuable area – from Tkalciceva St. in the west to Ribnjak in the east, to Pod zidom, Cesarceva, and Vlaska streets in the south and Zvonarnicka and Degenova in the north, with special attention to Kaptol and the stretch before the Cathedral
• The necessity of traffic relief, and setting up of different amenities, ground and communal-urban re-arrangement according to the historical value of the area
• Examine the possibilities for placing the Museum, the Treasury and the Archbishop Archive – three principal Kaptol structures
• Collection of a multitude of ideas.
The competition opens on 06/03/ 2008
Competitors may direct inquiries by 05/05/ 2008
Written replies will be delivered by 12/05/2008
Competition entries must be submitted by 01/07/2008, 7 p.m.
The assessment of entries is scheduled for completion by 15/07/2008
Contact Information
For information on the competition, or if you have questions, please see send an email to
Click here to register for the competition!
Croatian Architects' Association CAA
Trg bana J. Jelacica 3/I, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tél. : +385 1 4816140, Fax: +385 1 4816197