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Cartea 2 - Cărțile lui "Moise"

Cum ziceam rândul trecut, Vechiul Testament se împarte în mai multe secțiuni. Prima reprezintă Torah, Legea, cunoscută și sub numele de Pentateuh. Urmează Profeții (Mari - șase, și Mici - 12), și Scrierile.

Tradițiile spun că Torah a fost scrisă de Moise. Asta îi face pe tradiționaliști (în special cei creștini) să afirme că "timp de mai bine de 1400 de ani, de la Moise până la sf. Ioan Presbiterul" să se fi scris o "istorie" a prezenței lui Dumnezeu alături de "poporul ales". Asta pentru că primele cinci cărți ale Bibliei ar fi fost scrise de către Moise pe la 1400 (vom vedea că această dată este cel puțin controversată...).


The Largest Annual Public Space Event on Earth

The Largest Annual Public Space Event on Earth
Celebrated in over 50 Nations every October 4-10

"To celebrate each year at the international level the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition" -- as declared by the United Nations General Assembly

World Space Week Association (WSWA), founded in 1981, is one of the world's oldest space education organizations. Today it is the proud partner of the United Nations in the global coordination of World Space Week. WSWA recruits and supports a worldwide network of coordinators and participants. This non-government, non-profit, international organization is based in Houston, Texas, USA.

Exploring the Universe

The theme for World Space Week 2008 is "Exploring the Universe" This theme encourages participants to reflect during World Space Week on the space as the next frontier. Exploration can take many forms, from scientific discovery to human colonization. From space, we learn not only about astronomy, but we learn about Earth in many ways. As the next frontier, space offers bountiful resources of energy and materials, as well as a path for permanent human expansion off of our home planet Earth.
All World Space Week participants are requested to:
1) Plan World Space Week programs that address this theme in some way
2) Incorporate this theme into all of your World Space Week publicity materials
Each year's theme provides broad guidance to World Space Week participants on the content of their programs. The theme is selected to increase the impact of World Space Week on all humanity. Further, by using a uniform theme globally, World Space Week demonstrates unprecedented global cooperation in space. The theme is selected by the World Space Week Association Board of Directors in close coordination with the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs. Compliance with the theme is not required but is encouraged.
Your ideas for future year's World Space Week themes are welcomed and appreciated. Please email your theme ideas to

World Space Week Themes
2009 -- Space for Education
2008 -- Exploring the Universe
2007 -- 50 Years in Space
2006 -- Space for Saving Lives
2005 -- Discovery and Imagination
2004 -- Space for Sustainable Development
2003 -- Space: Horizon Beyond Earth
2002 -- Space and Daily Life
2001 -- Inspiration from Space
2000 -- Launching the Space Millennium



Stephen Hunt - "The Kingdom Beyond the Waves"

Bestselling - Stephen Hunt's

The Kingdom Beyond the Waves - out May 6th 2008
A deadly obsession, a lunatic steamman, a u-boat full of convict sailors. Well done, professor, you're sailing to your death ...


Professor Amelia Harsh is obsessed with finding the lost civilisation of Camlantis, a legendary city from pre-history that is said to have conquered hunger, war and disease -- tempering the race of man's baser instincts by the creation of the perfect pacifist society.
It is an obsession that is to cost her dearly. She returns home to the Kingdom of Jackals from her latest archaeological misadventure to discover that the university council has finally stripped her of her position in retaliation for her heretical research. Without official funding, Amelia has no choice but to accept the offer of patronage from the man she blames for her father's bankruptcy and suicide, the fiercely intelligent and incredibly wealthy Abraham Quest.
He has an ancient crystal-book that suggests the Camlantean ruins are buried under one of the sea-like lakes that dot the murderous jungles of Liongeli. Amelia undertakes an expedition deep into the dark heart of the jungle, blackmailing her old friend Commodore Black into ferrying her along the huge river of the Shedarkshe on his ancient u-boat.
With an untrustworthy crew of freed convicts, Quest's force of female mercenaries on board and a lunatic steamman safari hunter acting as their guide, Amelia's luck can hardly get any worse. But she's as yet unaware that her quest for the perfect society is about to bring her own world to the brink of destruction!

source :


la nuit de l'hippogriffe I

le jardin aux pommes d'or

d'un moment à  l'autre
l'espace se métamorphose en cygne
tandis qu'il attend dans un chariot de feu
les nuages de l'armée céleste

je vis l'Hydre caressée par ses derniers guerriers
tombant lentement sur le récif
entre nous

au-delà  s'étendent des labyrinthes bleus
soupira l'hippogriffe
si tu vas aux champs élysées sans moi
il te faudra toujours me regarder dans les yeux
lorsque tu t'éloigneras en chantant
au bout de la terre
vers ton royaume des mots perdus

le sphinx d'encre monte la garde
aux sept murailles et sept portes
de son jardin aux pommes d'or empoisonnées

plus loin
le rêve n'a qu'une réponse sans ailes
à  Tout.

Le volume « La nuit de l'hippogriffe » est dédié à  Luminita Suse


Un surrealist printre noi: Eugen BRATFANOF

Eugen Bratfanof (born 1941, Tulcea - Romania) graduated Bucharest’s Nicolae Tonitza Art College and, then, Nicolae Grigorescu Fine Arts Institute in 1967, guided by professors Corneliu Baba and Alexandru Ciucurencu.


He was quickly acknowledged as a highly talented, original artist. He held several personal exhibitions in

Romania and participated in numerous group exhibitions both in Romania and abroad.
His oil paintings and sketches are part of various personal and museums collections worldwide and he is
regularly exhibiting in Bucharest galleries. 
2004 - PRO Publishing House launches the album The painter Eugen Bratfanof (foreword by Tudor Octavian). The album displays hundreds of photos of his oil-painting works from the past three decades. Photobucket


New routes for Babis Bizas

New Routes, new Tracks Although he has travelled almost everywhere, he still dreams of going one day to
those places where no airplanes fly and are a good one month trip, if not more, by boat.  Iceland Kerguelen Islands are top on the list followed by Pitcairn islands. Last year he visited finally Santa Helena and Ascension

Island!!!  Europe But he is concentrated mainly on opening the doors to the travellers willing to visit the places which are not yet on the tourist map. The first such trip is the Central African region including Angola.



This page will be updated 2-3 times a year and you will find the tours which are scheduled to depart.

You will not find the dates one and half year earlier, as it happens with other tour operators. Photobucket Moldova

Three months is the normal, although some planned trips will appear 6-8 months prior to their departure. The biggest challenge is to fix the cost early enough, so every one can plan ahead. And in those areas the things are not easy. There are no handling travel agents in Congo at all .Even public transportation is unavailable in some areas and the program of the tour must be organized with the use of tracks from the market or with chartered mini vans found locally. In any case, for the rest of 2008, there are already some tours in the list and more are under preparation.

 Photobucket Anatolia

In January he escorted a group to Ethiopia, including the Omo river valley, in the south, while in February he visited with 17 other travellers Peru and Bolivia, investigating for 22 days the Pre-Columbian civilizations. His plans for the future include: MARCH 15, 2008 North and South Yemen, Socotra Island, 16 days.

APRIL 19, 2008 Armenia Georgia Azerbaijan, and Nagorno Karabah, 18 days. In May he is planning to take his


leave and go to Holland with his Rolls Royce, for the yearly service. 



«Printemps de Poètes» - BABEL ANGE

Sub semnul heraldic al «Printemps des Poètes», în ziua de 8 martie 2008, Wanda Mihuleac (Casa de Editură «Transignum») a organizat împreună cu poetul Paul Henri Lersen, o seară de muzică și poezie «Babel ange» la Espace Harmattan din Paris.

Wanda Mihuleac

Wanda Mihuleac, renumită artistă de origine română stabilită la Paris, a înființat din 1996, Casa de Editură «Transignum». A studiat în România artele plastice și a urmat studii aprofundate în Franța, la Sorbonne.
A avut o activitate deosebită în România alături de colegii săi din generația anilor 70: Mircia Dumitrescu, Sorin Dumitrescu, Tiberiu Nicorescu, George Leolea, Dan Erceanu, Ion State, Marcel Chirnoagă etc.
Ideile sale remarcabile se concentrează pe ideea cărții-obiect, de artă, bibliofile, pe care o promovează cu succes în publicațiile editurii sale.
Demersurile sale plastice propun un dialog permanent al artelor cu ființa umană în toate ipostazele existenței sale. Muzica, literatura, grafica își regăsesc ecoul celei de a patra dimensiuni conceptuale. Liantul este omul, el însuși o creație.


Science fiction authors Matthew de Abaitua, Stephen Baxter, Sarah Hall, Steven Hall, Ken MacLeod and Richard Morgan are the six

The six shortlisted books are:

The Red Men: Matthew de Abaitua -- Snow Books


The H-Bomb Girl: Stephen Baxter - Faber & Faber


The Carhullan Army: Sarah Hall - Faber & Faber


The Raw Shark Texts: Steven Hall - Canongate


The Execution Channel: Ken MacLeod - Orbit


Black Man: Richard Morgan - Gollancz


Tom Hunter, administrator for the Arthur C. Clarke Award told SFcrowsnest, "The announcement of a new Clarke Award shortlist is always a highlight of the UK's science fictional calendar, and this year's list, featuring an all UK line-up of top authors, promises to continue this trend."

"Featuring visions as diverse as a dystopian Cumbria and a future Hackney, time-travel adventures in 1960's Liverpool and an alternate world British Isles in the throes of terrorist attack, through to tech-noir thrillers and a trawl through subconscious worlds where memories fall prey to metaphysical sharks, the Clarke Award has never been so close to home and relevant to the British literary scene."

"The Clarke Award has always been about pushing at the speculative edges of its genre. It's one possible map amongst many, never the whole territory, and this year's shortlist stands as both the perfect introduction to the state of modern science fiction writing as well as a first tantalising glimpse of possible futures to come."

The judging panel for the 2008 Arthur C. Clarke Award are Niall Harrison and Claire Weaver for the British Science Fiction Association, Pat Cadigan and Francis Spufford for the Science Fiction Foundation and Pauline Clarke for the science fiction website SF Paul Billinger represents the Arthur C. Clarke Award as the Chair of Judges.

This is the first Clarke Award shortlist to include a YA novel - The H-Bomb Girl by Stephen Baxter. The shortlist also features two first time novelists, Matthew de Abaitua and Steven Hall. This is only the second shortlist to be made up of all UK authors in the Award's history. The first time was in 2006.

A prize of £2008 will be awarded to the winner along with a commemorative engraved bookend.

The annual award is presented for the best science fiction novel of the year, and selected from a list of novels whose UK first edition was published in the previous calendar year.

The winner will be announced on Wednesday 30th April at an award ceremony held on the opening night of the Sci-Fi-London Film Festival: See

10/03/2008. Source: Jessica Martin

Buy The Execution Channel in the USA - or Buy The Execution Channel in the UK


tant qu'il y aura des ailes

enfin je connais
la face cachée de la seconde
tandis que j'étais derrière lui
quand j'ai connu la perte d'un proche
tandis qu'il y a une autre guerre
vouloir - être - ensemble

ni haine ni pardon entre nous
jamais la banalisation du mal
le temps et ses ailes

la mémoire des témoins au-dessous des dunes de sable avant l'aube
hors de l'échelle comme les porteurs d'eau dans le désert
rêvant des fleurs de la solitude d'une apprentie sans âge

tu as besoin d'un seul mot d'amour par jour pour vivre mieux
me disait-il parfois
tant qu'il y aura des ailes

