In perioada 14 - 16 noiembrie 2008, la Bentley, Walsall (UK) se va
desfasura cea de-a 38-a editie a conventiei F&SF NOVACON, avandu-l ca
principal oaspete de onoare pe scriitorul Ian R MacLeod.
Informatii suplimentare:
Welcome to Novacon
Novacon is the UK's longest-established regional science fiction convention, held every autumn since 1971. It's built around a single-stream programme mixing both literary items and more informal events, with deliberate emphasis on social contact between sf fans and genre professionals.
Our Guests: Ian R MacLeod and Vernon Brown
Novacon 38 is delighted to announce that British science fiction and fantasy author Ian R MacLeod has accepted our invitation to be our guest of honour. Every member of Novacon will receive a limited-edition souvenir chapbook written by Ian. In addition, Vernon Brown will be joining us as our fan guest. Vernon was chair of the very first Novacon, back in 1971, is current chair of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group and runs Novacon's annual sf examinations.
H. G. Wells Timisoara