invites you to participate at
the „Berenice’s Hair” International Contest, Third edition Edition, 2010
invites you to participate at
the „Berenice’s Hair” International Contest, Third edition Edition, 2010
The texts can be written in Romanian, English, French, German, Italian or Spanish for the following sections :
â– poetry ( 5 poems )
â– prose (one text, 2-4 pages )
â– drama (one text, 10 pages maximum)
This contest is for the writers from the following age categories :
4-6 years
7-10 years
11-14 years
15-19 years
The literary compositions will be typed in Times New Roman 12,20 mm borders and will be sent until April 6th in a single attachment that will contain the name, age, country and city of the contestant and also the section to the following e-mail addresses :
1. pacotargoviste@yahoo.com , for the contestants between 4-10 years ( in Romanian,all sections);
2.pctargoviste@yahoo.com , for the contestants between 11-14 years (In Romanian, all sections)
3. parul.berenicei1@gmail.com , for the contestants between 15-19 years (In Romanian, all sections)
4. parul.berenicei2@gmail.com, (for the languages English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, all age categories,all sections).
The first page of the attached document will be the CV and the following pages will contain the texts.
The CV will include the following information :
- name and age category of the contestant
- school, city
- teacher coordinator
- postal address of the contestant or of the teacher coordinator
- e-mail address
The “Subject” section will contain the name, the section and group age.
Eg : John Smith, POETRY, 15-19
One contestant can apply for one or more sections, but by sending different e-mails.
Attention! Non-observance of this condition means elimination from the contest.
The deadline for all the sections is April 6th 2010, and the jury will debate until April 25th 2010.
No participation fee required!
The jury consists of writers, literary critics and teachers.
Diplomas for the big prize, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, and mentions to each group category and also participation diplomas will be given.
Additional prizes like books and money from national or foreign sponsors will be offered. The rewarded compositions will be published in „Litere”, „Revista nouă”, "Omnigraphies.com, "Climate literare", etc.
The diplomas will be sent until May 15th,2010 via e-mail.
â– poetry ( 5 poems )
â– prose (one text, 2-4 pages )
â– drama (one text, 10 pages maximum)
This contest is for the writers from the following age categories :
4-6 years
7-10 years
11-14 years
15-19 years
The literary compositions will be typed in Times New Roman 12,20 mm borders and will be sent until April 6th in a single attachment that will contain the name, age, country and city of the contestant and also the section to the following e-mail addresses :
1. pacotargoviste@yahoo.com , for the contestants between 4-10 years ( in Romanian,all sections);
2.pctargoviste@yahoo.com , for the contestants between 11-14 years (In Romanian, all sections)
3. parul.berenicei1@gmail.com , for the contestants between 15-19 years (In Romanian, all sections)
4. parul.berenicei2@gmail.com, (for the languages English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, all age categories,all sections).
The first page of the attached document will be the CV and the following pages will contain the texts.
The CV will include the following information :
- name and age category of the contestant
- school, city
- teacher coordinator
- postal address of the contestant or of the teacher coordinator
- e-mail address
The “Subject” section will contain the name, the section and group age.
Eg : John Smith, POETRY, 15-19
One contestant can apply for one or more sections, but by sending different e-mails.
Attention! Non-observance of this condition means elimination from the contest.
The deadline for all the sections is April 6th 2010, and the jury will debate until April 25th 2010.
No participation fee required!
The jury consists of writers, literary critics and teachers.
Diplomas for the big prize, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, and mentions to each group category and also participation diplomas will be given.
Additional prizes like books and money from national or foreign sponsors will be offered. The rewarded compositions will be published in „Litere”, „Revista nouă”, "Omnigraphies.com, "Climate literare", etc.
The diplomas will be sent until May 15th,2010 via e-mail.