The Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT) has been conducting a highly
involved struggle aimed at developing the architectural culture, protecting
the historic heritage and improving the quality of life since its inception
in 1954 till our present day.
In order to add a new dimension to these
efforts, it has been decided to initiate a new organization from 2007
onwards under the title of "Istanbul International Architecture and Urban
Films Festival". It is the objective to ensure an active participation of
everyone who is interested in the sphere of films, most of all the
This festival is being planned within the context of "Celebration of
Architecture and City" realized by the CAT Istanbul Metropolitan Branch for
the "World Architecture Day", which is celebrated jointly by 1,200,000
global members of the Union of International Architects (UIA) annually on
each first Monday of October.
As is well known, the Chamber of Architects of Turkey had successfully
hosted the "22nd World Congress of Architecture" of the UIA in Istanbul in
July 2005. This highly successful organization had been much appreciated in
the world and had received very favorable press coverage.
This festival aims at sponsoring films produced on the subject of
architecture and city, encouraging new productions, and exposing admirable
examples of films to the audiences. Additionally it foresees to prepare the
environment for the meeting together of the architects, the film directors
and other experts in Istanbul within the context of this activity,
consequently to introduce the concept of architectural culture to wide
sections of the public.
Documentary and animation films will be allowed to compete within the scope
of the festival. The submitted films shall be eliminated through a
preliminary screening and those that are selected shall enter into a
competition. At the same time numerous discussion sessions and other
activities shall be programmed in order to provide an interchange of ideas
among the participants.
The deadline for application is 15 August 2009.
Each of the best documentary and the best animation films shall be awarded
5000 Euro prize.
For further information and the program and application procedures:
Application Address
Chamber of Architects of Turkey
Istanbul Metropolitan Branch
Yildiz Sarayi Dis Karakol Binasi
Barbaros Bulvari - 34349 - Besiktas Istanbul TURKEY
T: +90-212-227 69 10
F: +90-0212-236 85 28
oar press release