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acesta este semnul.

NASA Scientists Identify Smallest Known Black Hole

The lowest-mass known black hole belongs to a binary system named XTE J1650-500. The black hole has about 3.8 times the mass of our sun, and is orbited by a companion star, as depicted in this illustration. Credit: NASA/CXC/A. Hobar
> Larger image If you want to know the universe's ultimate tough guys, look no further than black holes. These strange objects gobble up gas from their surroundings, and sometimes swallow entire stars. But a black hole's gravity is so powerful that nothing, not even light, can escape its grasp.

But just as Olympic boxing teams have their flyweights, somewhere out there in the depths of space exists the lightest black hole in the universe. It's still a tough guy, but it's smaller and lighter than all other members of its kind.

Astronomers may never find the universe's lightest black hole, but in results announced on March 31, they have come close. Nikolai Shaposhnikov and Lev Titarchuk, who work at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., have identified the smallest known black hole in the universe. This black hole would weigh the same as 3.8 of our Suns if it could be put on a giant scale.

The Sun is a huge object, and could contain more than a million Earths. So an object weighing the same as 3.8 Suns might sound like a lot. But it's a pipsqueak when compared to all other known black holes. Previously, the smallest known black hole would weigh about 6.3 Suns, and some black holes tip the scales at millions or even billions of times that of our Sun.

In this top-down illustration of a black hole and its surrounding disk, gas spiraling toward the black hole piles up just outside it, creating a traffic jam. The traffic jam is closer in for smaller black holes, so X-rays are emitted on a shorter timescale. Credit: NASA
> Larger image The new record holder, known as XTE J1650, formed in the center of a dying star. The star's core was a giant nuclear reactor, generating energy by turning light elements such as hydrogen into heavier elements such as oxygen. But eventually, the reactor ran out of fuel and shut down. The core collapsed due to its own gravity and formed a black hole.

Astronomers think that this process can form black holes down to about 3 times the weight of our Sun. If a star's core is even smaller than that when it runs out of fuel, it will form another type of object, called a neutron star. So the XTE J1650 black hole is not only the lightest known black hole, it's close to the smallest possible size for a black hole.

Amazingly, equations from Albert Einstein predict that a black hole with 3.8 times the mass of our Sun would be only 15 miles across -- the size of a city. "This makes the black hole one of the smallest objects ever discovered outside our solar system," says Shaposhnikov.

The measurement of the black hole's mass is due to high-precision timing observations made by NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite, shown here prior to launch. Credit: NASA
> Larger image Shaposhnikov and Titarchuk made their discovery by using NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, a small and low-cost satellite that launched in late 1995. Rossi is able to make extremely precise measurements of gas whirling around black holes. By timing the motion of the gas, the two astronomers were able to measure the strength of the black hole's gravitational field, which tells them how much it weighs.

Shaposhnikov and Titarchuk are presenting their results on Monday, March 31, at the American Astronomical Society High-Energy Astrophysics Division meeting in Los Angeles, Calif. Titarchuk also works at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C.

Related link:

> Read the related press release
Robert Naeye
Goddard Space Flight Center


Stories for Vladimir

3rd of December 2007

Dear Vladimir,

We often evoked the language of signs. We both seem to master part of it and to trust myths and symbols.

Part of my understanding of this idiom has an African origin, more precisely in African masks, and is related to one of my numberless journey to Brussels.

As you know, I have worked and I have lived for two years in Belgium, one day I would like to show you my lovely Bruges town with Al Kema aura above which sounds the music of the bells of the belfry in the central place. But this is a deviation inevitable for an Oriental storyteller. So in the spring of 1993 there I was in the train for Brussels. Travelling slowly, by Earth or by sea helps the understanding of meanings. The weather was stormy and threatening. From the platform of the North railroad station in Paris I had a feeling of strangeness and a sweet taste of fear to the extent to which fear can be sweet and seductive. The hidden Scheherazade in my inner self reminds me that fear can be all that I already said and pushes me toward the sensations of my Transylvanian childhood when together with my companions I was playing in the cemetery among tombs surrounded by an ambiguous atmosphere of pleasure and fear due to the subtle presence of death.

So, once seated in my compartment I began to stare at my neighbours. Near the window was seated a young handsome Japanese man with slender features. He seemed to be shy and sensitive, a poet perhaps I thought with low voice. I was not far from the truth because later I found out that he was studying the History of Art in Paris and he was travelling to Brusseles for the week-end to visit an exhibition of Flemish primitives. In front of me a middle-aged, dark-haired and dark-complexioned man was scanning me as intensively as I myself was scanning every one in the wagon. It was obvious that the man was willing to babble. His penetrating eyes were inviting and welcoming the words to flow. Very soon with a large but professional smile he asked:

-Do you go to Brussels?
-Yes, I answered. And you?

Irnerio Seminatore jumped on the occasion and explained to every one that he had bought a mansion in the centre of Brussels and that he often went to survey the works in his new residence. He opened his case and displayed pictures, drawings, letters, invoices and so on, in one word a charming disorder of papers and documents. His frenzy had something of heart-rending and my own heart was beating quicker than usually. Irnerio's mansion was covered with scaffoldings but I could still see a stately building with wonderful gothic proportions. The interiors were slightly degraded, the fire places ruined but once restored they would breathe the new life of a gorgeous house. Irnerio Seminatore and his house were the product of a mysterious spirit which once again made me think of the Al Kema of the Middle Ages, so I was not surprised to learn that Irnerio was a Politics teacher at the University of Sorbonne and he was spreading in his foaming and nervous way ideas, principles and concepts as grains in his students' brains. But then, why this feeling of anxiety at his contact? Anyhow he was the teacher and I was sure that very soon before the end of the journey I would possess the key. At my right hand side half asleep there was an African silent fellow. He was not paying much attention to the rest of the travellers and was deeply immersed in his roundness and ancestral wisdom. The African felt my eyes on him and launched a childish and sunny smile.

-Were are you from? I asked
-I am from Cameron.

"How strange", I thought; I would say that in this compartment I had a gathering of the worlds.

-And what are you doing in Brussels?
-I am selling masks, ancient ones.........I have collectors in Belgium and in Holland......and he indicated me from the look in the luggage rack three big hemped bags, dirty and pierced.

While Irnerio Seminatore was showing us a drawing of his own representing an armchair with the allure of a throne and began to give me part of the key, we felt a shock and the train stopped suddenly. We were not far from Brussels, somewhere in the suburbs. The chat continued quietly and Irnerio explained to us that he would make the armchair. The Sicilian Irnerio was passionate about his throne and watching the image with accurate attention I saw two winged griffons as a crown with a succession of totemic signs. I could not see more because the loud speakers announced that the train entered into collision with a truck and that we had to continue to Brussels Midi on foot alongside the rails.

The world of signs had spoken and gave me the choice to stop at its gates or to go ahead crossing the first ring of a new game.

I had not much time to think when Irnerio Seminatore, the Chief, decided that we had to leave the train, and we reached the town in a half strange half comic convoy. Irnerio was stepping in front of us, the Japanese student was next holding the mask of the Sacred Elephant by the trump, I was in between and Moussa Fochive ended the group with his bags on the back.




I am not afraid

I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of myself
of things that are left the way they are
and the way they should have been before
not cleared by the same word

times start to have a distinct scent of fear
challenging each other under the blood clouds
nothing is like it used to be
a beast slides through silent soul

I am not afraid of ages, I am afraid of mountain
there is not enough space left in round thoughts
when old stones growing in bones
slowly press me under the mountain crypt


not afraid

Creation Category: 

I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of myself
of things that are left the way they are
and the way they should have been before
not cleared by the same word

times start to have a distinct scent of fear
challenging each other under the blood clouds
nothing is like it used to be
a beast slides through silent soul

I am not afraid of ages, I am afraid of mountain
there is not enough space left in round thoughts
when old stones growing in bones
slowly press me under the mountain crypt

I am not afraid on death, I am afraid of myself

(translated into English by Luminita Suse)


danu- umbrele noptii

Să știi că-s la capătul poeziei
mă agăț de cuvinte ca de fusta unei iubite înecate
mă arunc în moarte
cu lașitatea unui ascet
care bântuie livada
gonind aromele
știu ca nu mi-e dată fericirea scrisului
rămân analfabet de tine
pun ordine în oasele scheletului meu
îți las metafizica în grijă


"Rașel sunt eu" Interviu cu Edgar Reichmann, autorul romanului de succes "Rașel"

Creation Category: 



Marina Nicolaev:  Domnule Edgar Reichmann*, sunteți renumit în lumea literară din Occident. Ați contribuit mult la popularizarea literaturii române în Franța, nu numai din poziția de cronicar al ziarului “Le Monde”. Mai puțini români însă vă cunosc. Ce puteți spune despre dumneavoastră?

Edgar Reichmann: Nu știu dacă sunt sau nu renumit în Franța. Poate ca romancier. Puțini se interesează de literatura română în Occident, doar dacă e vorba de Cioran, Eliade sau Ionescu. Dacă aproape nimenea nu mă cunoaște în România este pentru că nu fac parte din nici o coterie, nu sunt angajat în nici o gașcă așa cum se obișnuiește aici sau în țara noastră de baștină.

Edgar Reichmann© Marina Nicolaev




Nici vorbă de sărutări și alte fandoseli. Mi-a ajuns să cunosc psihologi, dentologi, caprozari și frenologi de gintă zurlie. Mă fotografiez în umbra umbrelor, întunericul abisurilor negre și ce văd? Un bătrân bădaran, bălos, bitrofic, bidirecționat cu biciul.


Concursul Național de Diaristică "Mihail Sebastian", Ediția I, Suceava

Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” din Suceava organizează vineri, 4 aprilie, la ora 11.30, în sala Mică a Casei Culturii din Suceava, deschiderea festivă a etapei finale a manifestării Concursul Național de Diaristică „Mihail Sebastian”, Ediția I. Suceava, 4-6 aprilie 2008. 

