A Musical Journey To Remember: "Moulin Russe"

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Moulin Chansons Logo at Catalina Bar and Grill March 2015

Summary/Introduction by Ileana Costea, IC ART Gallery Director, Autohor of numerous articles about “surprise discoveries of Romanian culture all over the world.”

By This is an article about a very successful French and Russian music show, "Moulin Russe" by the group called “Paris Chansons” of singer Julia Kantor and her husband. Recently the group gives monthly shows at the Sofitel Hotel and Catalina Bar and Grill in Hollywood, CA. The show presented in the article took place on March 29, 2015 at the Catalina Bar and Grill on Sunset Boulevard and had French, Russian as well as Israeli, Morroco, and Argentinian-tango flavors. The group’s signature show was “Moulin Russe” (a nice play on words vs “Moulin Rouge” of Paris.) They change the theme of their show every month, and they succeed to attract a large crowd of the very ethnically diverse population of Los Angeles. Known yet by another name, Catalina Jazz Club, this supper club has hosted great live jazz and cabaret in a setting with Old World charm since the mid 1980’s. Over the years CJC presented a veritable who's who of music legends, including Dizzy Gillespie, Art Blakey, McCoy Tyner, Chick Corea, Carmen McRae, Joe Henderson, Benny Carter, Wynton and Branford Marsalis, Joshua Redman and vocalists like Melissa Manchester, Brenda Russell, Jane Monheit, Barbara Morrison, Roberta Gambarini, and many more. This restaurant-club is managed by a Romanian owner Catalina Popescu and is considered one of the best places for high quality live jazz in Los Angeles. There is no online or on-paper travel forum/blog/newspaper in LA which does not mention CJC. In a list of the 6 best places to listen to great live jazz in LA, CJC is at the top. It started with the fantastic idea and unbeatable perseverance of Catalina’s husband, Bob Popescu, to invite Dizzy Guilespe (whom Mr. Popescu was able to convince) to play with his band at their restaurant bar. This put the place on the map. And yes, what’s most important to attract best musicians and music fans CJC has a hall with high quality loudspeakers which offer best sound. The author of the article athe Moulin Russe show at CJC is Ms. Anca Adumitroaie, a Romanian, living in Southern California and writing about the Viitorul Roman Society’s numerous cultural events she organizes as its Cultural Director and Press Secretary in Los Angeles.  Adumitroaie’"pen" reflects the style of a well-cultured person, with skilled writing style, and a lot of sensitivity and spirit of observation. The VRS plans to organize this summer a performance of Julia Kantor’s group dedicated to the Romanian community audience. Anca told me “The group started already to be loved in Los Angeles, and a larger reading public should be made aware about the. They really deserve it since they are exceptionally good!“ Enjoy!

Doi fraţi muzicieni: Liviu şi Ovidiu Marinescu

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România s-a afirmat în domeniul muzicii clasice începând cu secolul XIX, dar a dăruit culturii Europene mari maeştri abia de la începutul secolului XX. Cu toţii ştim despre George Enescu şi Dinu Lipatti – cunoscuţi peste hotare mai mult în Franţa, sau despre dirijorii Celibidache şi Ionel Perlea, care s-au afirmat atât în Europa cât şi în America. Dar aceştia sunt din generaţia “clasicilor”.

Bun venit în România, Vladimir Cosma!

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Vladimir Cosma ©Marina Nicolaev

Renumitul compozitor, violonist și șef de orchestră francez de origine română Vladimir Cosma a susținut marți 14 decembrie 2010, un spectacol de gală organizat de Institutul Cultural Român din Paris la Ambasada României, în care s-a întreținut cu jurnalistul și animatorul de radio și televiziune Vincent Perrot povestind despre viața sa, modul în care a compus cele peste 300 de piese muzicale pentru filme.

Dimitri Chostakovitch - "Lady Macbeth de Mzensk" - Opera Bastille

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foto: A.T. Schaefer

La Opera Bastille din Paris a avut loc în data de 17 ianuarie 2009 premiera “Lady Macbeth de Mzensk”, o producție Nederlandse Opera Amsterdam.

Dimitri Chostakovitch (1906-1975) sau Dmitri Șostacovici (Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович) a fost declarat „dușman al poporului” în 1936 de către Stalin după realizarea operei „Lady Macbeth de Mzensk” (după nuvela lui Nikolai Leskov), denumită mai târziu „Katerina Izmailova”. Dimitri Chostakovitch a fost reabilitat în 1941, criticat în 1948 în plin „jdanovism artistic”, reabilitat din nou în 1958, mult timp după moartea lui Stalin din 1953. Reabilitarea sa târzie nu a șters însă consecințele acelei perioade nefaste din viața compozitorului, respectiv anchetele la NKVD, amenințările cu deportarea și execuția ofițerului care se ocupa de acest dosar.


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