ANTOLOGIE DE POEZIE - editată de Asociația Pro Basarabia și Bucovina

Asociația Pro Basarabia și Bucovina -- Filiala din Constanța, lansează inițiativa alcătuirii unei Antologii omagiale de poezie, cu ocazia aniversării, la 1 decembrie 2008, a 90 de ani de la Marea Unire. Acest eveniment va fi mediatizat, pe plan național, în zilele de 27 martie a.c., dată cand basarabenii în 1918, au venit în patrie cu prima inițiativă de Unire, apoi la data de 28 noiembrie, cand aceeași inițiativă a fost preluată și de bucovineni și bineînțeles și la 1 decembrie a.c. ca etapă finală.

Pentru sărbătorirea acestui mare eveniment, în orașul Constanța se va edita o lucrare colectivă in care vor fi cuprinse, printre altele, și un număr de peste 100 de poezii, cu autori din patrie și în special din diaspora, din toate colțurile lumii, pe care vă rugăm să le expediați până la data de 18 aprilie 2008 pe următoarea adresă de Email :. Întregul volum editat va fi apoi donat ambasadelor, consulatelor și asociațiilor românești, și autorilor din toată lumea.

Vă mulțumim pentru ajutorul Dvs.!


Les chantiers de jeunes internationaux: des vacances actives, utiles et interculturelles

L'association Solidarités Jeunesses propose à  des jeunes qui veulent passer des vacances actives, utiles et interculturelles de participer à  un chantier international de jeunes volontaires.

De nombreux chantiers sont organisés en France et à  l'étranger (plus de 70 pays partenaires en Europe, Amérique, Afrique et Asie). Ces chantiers concernent : la préservation de l'environnement, la réhabilitation du patrimoine ou le soutien à  des populations en difficulté. Ils durent 2 ou 3 semaines et regroupent 15 à  20 participants de différents pays.

Les jeunes sont logés et nourris pendant le chantier et ont la possibilité de découvrir la région dans laquelle le chantier est implanté.

Seul le voyage est à  la charge du participant ainsi que les frais d'adhésion et d'inscription.
Pour certains pays des frais de participation sont demandés.
Pour plus d'informations veuillez consulter le site internet .



Alex Gâlmeanu est considéré aujourd’hui comme l’un des meilleurs jeunes photographes roumains. Spécialisé dans la photographie de portrait, il s’inspire de ses modèles d’une manière créative et décalée pour créer l’ambiance générale de ses images. L’exposition « People I Know » présente une partie de son travail à travers des portraits de personnalités roumaines. En avril 2005, « People I Know » a été exposée au Musée National d’Art Contemporain de Bucarest. Sous le haut patronage de S.E. Monsieur Teodor Baconschi, Ambassadeur de Roumanie en France Exposition ouverte du 9 avril au 6 juin 2008, du mardi au samedi, de 14 h à 19 h sur rendez-vous. Tél. 01 42 52 79 43 Galerie Agent Double 7 rue Chappe, 750018 Paris


«Le Banat : Un Eldorado aux confins» - Centre Universitaire Malesherbes, Paris

Le numéro sur le Banat sera présenté par les universitaires roumains Adriana Babeti, Cornel Ungureanu et Smaranda Vultur de l'Université de Timisoara, en dialogue avec leurs collègues français Xavier Galmiche et Delphine Bechtel de l'université Paris Sorbonne-Paris 4.

Mardi 8 avril de 16 h à  18 h08.04.2008

Site internet:

Amphithéâtre 111
Centre Universitaire Malesherbes
108 Bd Malesherbes, 75017 Paris
Métro Malherbes (ou Villiers)

ICR Paris


Concursul Național de Diaristică "Mihail Sebastian", Ediția I, Suceava

Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” din Suceava organizează vineri, 4 aprilie, la ora 11.30, în sala Mică a Casei Culturii din Suceava, deschiderea festivă a etapei finale a manifestării Concursul Național de Diaristică „Mihail Sebastian”, Ediția I. Suceava, 4-6 aprilie 2008. 


Année internationale de la pomme de terre 2008

Le Concours mondial de photographie de l'IYP, Zoom sur un aliment mondial, soutient deux des principaux objectifs de l'Année internationale de la pomme de terre: sensibiliser au rôle important de la pomme de terre en tant que denrée alimentaire dans les pays en développement et promouvoir la recherche et le développement de systèmes de production de la pomme de terre pour contribuer à  atteindre les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement.

Le concours est une invitation à  montrer le rôle clé de la pomme de terre dans l'agriculture, l'économie et la sécurité alimentaire mondiale, à  faire découvrir de nouveaux aspects de sa biodiversité, sa culture, sa transformation, son commerce, sa commercialisation et sa consommation et à  contribuer à  l'échange gratuit et international d'informations sur cette culture vivrière importante dans le monde.

Ce qui suit est un bref exposé du concours. Imprimez et lisez attentivement le règlement du concours avant de vous inscrire. Date limite d'inscription: le 1er septembre 2008.


New routes for Babis Bizas

New Routes, new Tracks Although he has travelled almost everywhere, he still dreams of going one day to
those places where no airplanes fly and are a good one month trip, if not more, by boat.  Iceland Kerguelen Islands are top on the list followed by Pitcairn islands. Last year he visited finally Santa Helena and Ascension

Island!!!  Europe But he is concentrated mainly on opening the doors to the travellers willing to visit the places which are not yet on the tourist map. The first such trip is the Central African region including Angola.



This page will be updated 2-3 times a year and you will find the tours which are scheduled to depart.

You will not find the dates one and half year earlier, as it happens with other tour operators. Photobucket Moldova

Three months is the normal, although some planned trips will appear 6-8 months prior to their departure. The biggest challenge is to fix the cost early enough, so every one can plan ahead. And in those areas the things are not easy. There are no handling travel agents in Congo at all .Even public transportation is unavailable in some areas and the program of the tour must be organized with the use of tracks from the market or with chartered mini vans found locally. In any case, for the rest of 2008, there are already some tours in the list and more are under preparation.

 Photobucket Anatolia

In January he escorted a group to Ethiopia, including the Omo river valley, in the south, while in February he visited with 17 other travellers Peru and Bolivia, investigating for 22 days the Pre-Columbian civilizations. His plans for the future include: MARCH 15, 2008 North and South Yemen, Socotra Island, 16 days.

APRIL 19, 2008 Armenia Georgia Azerbaijan, and Nagorno Karabah, 18 days. In May he is planning to take his


leave and go to Holland with his Rolls Royce, for the yearly service. 





At 54, he probably is the most traveled Greek. At least, we don't know anybody else to have visited all 194 countries, using 33 passports, to make this accomplishment.


What's the first thing you do upon arrival at a new destination?

I follow an almost military routine: the central place, the market, a hill. Especially, in places unaccounted for from a tourist point of view, as Djamena in Chad, I seek the city center (sometimes not existing), the market, and an eminence, to orientate myself.

Why do we travel?


For the same reason we read. To satisfy our curiosity and our senses (our perception).To educate ourselves.

What makes a destination interesting?

People are the raison d'etre of a journey, especially nowadays, when things tend to become similar all over the world. People make unique the Sunday market of Kashgar in west China, where 50 different tribes gather together, or remote pockets in Africa, where men are clad in sheepskins and women are bare breasted, as testimony to their reproductive ability. In those parts a fully covered woman means a sick woman!

You force me... So, in which country live the most lovable women?


The most erotic women belong to the Himba tribe of north Namibia, in southwest Africa. Classic beauties, which would crowd the model agencies in Paris, had they lived there!

What's the biggest mistake a traveler can make?


To demand from a place to adjust to his needs, rather than the opposite.

When does a trip become unpleasant?

When I have problems with the authorities. In Central Africa I was arrested for wandering in a market, considered diamond bearing area, for which a special permit from the Ministry of Mineral was necessary. in Congo, because I was sightseeing the river which makes the frontier with formal Zair. But, most of the times, you get arrested in order to give them some pocket-money.

You have accumulated images from all over the world. How does reality strike you when you come back to Athens?


I consider Athens part of the universal folklore. I tolerate her. I feel a traveler even in Greece.

What you say holds solitude?

I forwent many things, in order to be able to travel. This is the reason why I have really no close friends, friendship presupposes your physical presence as well, not only your esteem, or good-will.

What do you pack first?

I always start with the necessary documents. If you have your passport, your ticket and money - the rest is easy. When I travel on my own, I seldom carry a suitcase. Even a photo camera can get you into trouble.

What did you learn from your travels that you wouldn't learn otherwise?

That you must be ready to die at any moment and be at peace with yourself. Of course, I make plans for the future. But, on the other hand, I believe we must learn to live as if we'll die the next day. What you need to do, do it, if it harms not other people, don't postpone it.

Where did you see the most beautiful sunrise?

In northwest Himalayas, in India. The atmosphere is exceptionally limpid, and the colours staggering.

What is the best part of the trip? Landing, take-off, or developing the taken pictures?

Take-off! The moment you leave behind everything, and what you planned starts unfolding...

What is the most magic place you ever visited?

Antarctica, by far. I went there and felt I might even stop traveling. The feeling of floating slowly in iced surroundings, the stillness, the absence of humans, makes Antarctica the superlative of places and senses. I came back overwhelmed by my feelings.

Next destinations?

Some remote islands: Kerguelen, the "Grand Canyon" of south Indian Ocean, Santa Helena, where Napoleon lived in exile, and Pitcairn, where ended the Bounty mutiny.

After so many travels, did you discover paradise on Earth?

No, and, deep inside, I don't wish to. In the long run, paradise is a place we make or leave...

Reporter: Elias Siakandaris
Journal: HOMME. August, 2004


Babis Bizas, the most travelled man on Earth

The man Within

25 years of wandering
More than 30 full passports
All the 194 sovereign countries of world
250 days of travels in the year
Expedition to North Pole and more!



Babis (as his friends call him), was born in 1954 in northwestern Greece.
He studied Political Sciences at the University of Athens and Slavonic languages at the Institute of Balkan Studies in Thessaloniki.


Petermann Island

Apart from Greek and English, he speaks Russian, Spanish, French and some other languages. After completing his studies, he took the decision to work in a field related to traveling. He started his career as Tour Escort with the larger tour operators in Greece, such as MANOS, TRAVEL PLAN and HERONIA.


North Pole

In 1987 he was invited to join the MANOS team. Upon entering the company he was so innovative that in 8 months he changed the tourist scene in Greece. His biggest contribution in the travel industry was the possibility he gave to the average traveler to reach places which are still very difficult to visit.



Today he works for HERONIA as a planning manager and keeps.....going to unusual places organizing and escorting tours off the beaten track.



He is the leading figure of the outgoing tourism in Greece. The tours he organizes are legendary. The ones he escorts are fully booked months ahead!



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