Olimpici români la a XIII-a Olimpiada Internationala de Astronomie, Trieste (Italy)

Cea de-a XIII-a Olimpiada Internationala de Astronomie

Trieste (Italy),

October 13-21, 2008.



BUCURESTI, 24 Octombrie 2008 - Inca un succes al tinerilor romani.

Au participat 19 echipe formate din 93 de concurenti.

Locul 1: Marius Constantin – Bucuresti
Locul 2: Miruna Oprescu – Constanta
Locul 3: Cristina Cirstoiu - Curtea de Arges

Locul 3: Stefania Bogdan - Curtea de Arges

Impresia principalului organizator, prof. Mihail G. Gavrilov despre concurentii romani:

'The Romanian team gets one I Diploma, one II Diploma and two III Diploma. The rest two students of the team get the Diploma of Participation. I found the Romanian team is very pretty including at the closing ceremony the students of the team presented to organizers funny toy-animals that traditionally appeared in the problems of the IAO.'

Institutul Astronomic al Academiei Romane
Bucuresti, Str. Cutitul de Argint 5, RO-040557, Romania



sursa: http://www.comunicatedepresa.ro/

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