Theme: initiating a dialogue between generations and making various age groups aware of the necessity to develop learning skills all along their life for personal and social success.
“Following us in a rush ,not long ago a child ,not long ago a teenager ,suddenly the old age has reached us from behind” (Marcus Tittus Cicero)
“Give a man a fish and you will feed him a day,teach him how to fish and you will feed him for a whole life!”(African proverb)
In a speed era ,one of unpreceding progress ,man seems to forget that his present actually represents the future of his children ,of the next generations , mistaking the verb “to be” for “to have”,he estranges from himself ,from the environment and other people.
Trusting the invincible technology ,he has surprisingly learnt of the economic and ecological crises that the industrial development can bring along risks that it does not make the planet more powerful,on the contrary , this becomes more fragile because it leads to injustices that can raise philosophical and ethical questions.
This is how a new concept appears :the lasting(durable) development , term first used in 1992 at the Conference about environment and development from Rio de Janeiro.
If initially the concept referred to the problems of the relationship between man and environment ,today the new paradigm of the concept refers to life in its complexity.
It is necessary to form a solidary attitude between generations at all levels ,a human being ho should know to be in the world ,and live in harmony with the environment ,with the others ,with himself.To achieve this harmony , it requires a long process of formation in which man becomes receptive to changes ,capable of anticipating them,understanding the reality and interpreting it,finding new senses and valuating it .
What does school do to form such a man?This is the theme of reflection of the present symposium,especially this year,considered to be The European year of green age and dialogue between generations.
The finality of the primary ,middle,(high)secondary and university education must be open to continuos learning ,toward self-education. Continuing the education provided by school ,the library is the first institution which helps the process of learning because it represents a familiar space, facilitating the transition to another type of learning ,a factor of continuity in time and space.Its multi-disciplinary character represents a catalytic factor in obtaining and sorting the information ,constituting at the same time a fair space in which several generations can meet and hold a dialogue.
The changes are part of everyday life of each of us and they are getting more and more frequent and various :we change our workplace ,the country ,friends ,the social and professional status and of course ,the age.So that the future adult could cope with them,school must prepare the present pupil to respond positively to any change.
The learning does not end when leaving school ,not even when retiring.
GOAL –Promoting the permanent education as a pillar of a durable development,the only one capable of ensuring a fair life;valuating the library as space of permanent learning.
-Forming a conduct based on curiosity and respect for the act of learning for culture –ethnic,of genre,social ,etc-and open to a dialogue which promotes solidarity
-SAPING SOME STRATEGIES of teaching all subject in order to promote permanent education according to the obligatory curriculum CDS or through extaschool activities
-Stimulating the spirit of solidarity between generations and forming a mentality which can lead to a green age
-Valuating the offer of libraries so as to form and develop availabilities of permanent learning and personal and professional self development
-Transforming the meetings of participants in the symposium in opportunities of potential professional collaboration
- Valuating the creative potential of pupils
-Settling empathy between representatives of different ages
DATE AND PLACE OF THE EVENT-The Conference Hall of I.H.RADULESCU CountyLibrary Dambovita,,25Mai
Coordinator-PAVELESCU MARILENA,teacher of Romanian,
Gâtlan Daniela, director, prof limba şi literatura română
Bobeş Luminiţa, director adjunct, chimie
Carmen Vădan, director
Dragoş Manuela, bibliotecar,CCD
Eduard Stăncescu, prof. limba engleză
Erculescu Denisa, prof. limba engleză
Cociug Cerasela, prof limba şi literatura română
Stoenescu Gabriela, pshiolog
Neagu Luminiţa, prof.inv primar
Popa Alina, prof.inv primar
Zamfirache Silvia, prof.inv primar
Geacăr Ioana, prof.membru al USR
DATA ŞI LOCUL DE DESFĂŞURARE : Sala de Conferinţe a Bibliotecii Judeţene „Ion Heliade Rădulescu” Dâmboviţa, 25 Mai
-teaching staff(teachers,institutors,school teachers,mursery school teachers)
-librarians,library experts(documentalists)
-primary,middle and secondary school pupils
-members of local community
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES:teaching staff from preuniversity and university educational system,from special educational system,pupils and students participating
in the symposium,librarians,documentalists,representatives of some non-government organizations.
INDIRECT BENEFICIARIES: pupils,parents,community
1.We learn for life!
Section of lectures,dissertations,studies which are going to reflect ways of applying the academic subject to the reality of life.The papers will have a strong applicable character with reference to the taught subjects!
A.To learn how to learn
-How do we teach pupils to learn?
-The life experience of the pupil,valued in the course class
-Mnemotechnical techniques
-The library-space of transition between the formal and non-formal learning
-The library-multidisciplinary space
-Use of IT in achieving specific competences
-The role of selfevaluation in the act of learning
-Ways and modalities of improving the motivation for learning within the taught subject
-The role of museums in permanent education
-The library-space of permanent education
B. To learn how to apply
-How to revaluate the acquired knowledge in formal and non-formal environment
-Getting key competences through formal/non-formal activities
-Themes,concepts,knowledge seen from inter and transdiciplinary perspective
-Transfer of knowledge,skills,abilities,aptitudes from one subject to another,from the formal to informal context
-Implication of libraries,of culture institutions in school partnerships
-Deveopment of communication competence at the subjects from other curriculum area
-Techinques and methods for communications on horizontal used in the class
-Forming digital competences in the formal and non-formal education
-The role of partnerships in achieving the targets of lasting development
C. To learn how to be, to become and live with the others
• About the categories with disabilities
• The role of school and library in promoting equal chances
• The science subjects and cultural expression
• The impact of the taught subject on shaping the teenager’s personality
• Contents, knowledge important in forming attitudes and specific values of the taught subject
• Methods, techniques to shape a flexible, self-reliant personality
• The role of self-evaluation and self-knowledge in shaping an adjustable personality, flexible to the changes of different origins and in different contexts.
Sos! The Absentees
The conflicts,conditious of barning, of self-knowledge and knowledge of others
The Partnership school-family in order to achieve a good behaviour.
Concepts,abilities,skills in a formal context applicable during a lifetime,for professional,civic,social or personal development.
Charity as a way of solidarity between generatious
II. Dialogue between generatious
Essay contest for students(grades 3rd -12th ) teachers,other members of the community and art works (grades 3rd-12th) entitled “A Song of Ages”
Themes for the essays(orientative)-something linked to the contest issue.
“The Future starts today”
“Journey in time”My Life in 20\40\60 years
“Journey is time” My Life at the moment 60\40\20 years.
Empathy simulatious
The Art Works can be presented in any technique
~The Dambovita District School inspectorship
~The District Library Ion Heliade Radulescu from Dambovita
~The Education Board Dambovita
~School”Mihai Viteazul” Targoviste
~”Valahia University”,rector Professor D.Ilie Cucui
The Dambovita District School inspectorship,Head inspector
The Education Board Dambovita,Director Danut Tica
The District Library”I.H.Radulescu” Director Vadau Carmen
Valahia University Tgv. Rector Professor D.Ilie Cucui
Targoviste Writers Union,President Stan Mihai
Targoviste Townhall
Different Nou Government Organisatious
Local Midia:Art Press,Dambovita Newspaper,Targoviste TV,Columna TV, Dambovita TV.
Short description of the symposium activities
9:30-10:00-Welcoming the participants and guests
Place:Conference Room of the District Library Ion Heliade.Radulescu
12:00-Presentatious of the rewarded essays
Drawing Exhibitious;
Photography Exhibitious
RULES OF PARTICIPATION AT THE SYMPOSIUM The registration of the Partitipants - using the e-mail address and sending the
registration paper and the work. For Section I and Section II (essays , literary works) The Files will have as a title- the name of the section and the letter that corresponds to the subsection as follows: Section I A- Name and first name. The Drawings will be sent to the school address- School ,, Mihai Viteazul'' TGV Prof. Al.Vanlescu Street NO 1 TGV Telephone number : 0245211762 On the overleaf there will be written : The names and first names of the student, the school , the class , the town , the district and the first name of the coordinator teacher. 1) The Papers Writing: The Teachers Sections: The Partitipans of the symposium can be : educators , teachers , school managers ,librarians , documentarists , special education teachers , pupils and students. 1) The Papers Content for Section I The presented papers must be in accordance with the proposed theme , to have originality and practical aplicability in the didactic activity. NB ! The Organisers reserve the riglit to ryict the papers that do not follow the technical conditions of editing and the author rights law -The paper will have 4 pages at the most and the summary
will have 10-15 lines. -Each presentation will take 10 minutes at the most This should be done as a PPT presentation. The paper can have an author and a co-author writteu on the same diploma. The papers can be edited in either English , French or Romanian. EDITING CONDITIONS : - The texts will be edited in Microsoft Word , 2003 format A4 , 1,5 cm left , 1cm up , down , right , font Times New Roman , diacritical mark( Romanian letters , size 12 edited at 1,5 space lines ) - The title will be centered with capitals ( 14 Times New Roman, Blod) -at two lines distance , in the right part there will be the author / - authors and School ( Times New Roman , 12 blod , the town and the district
- at two lines distance from the name of the author, the writing of paper will start ( Times New Roman 12 )
- the bibliography will be written at the end of the paper in this order: name and first name of the author, the title of the paper, the publisher, the town and the publishing year.
- The papers can have an author and a co-author
The Essays will have 2 or 3 pages
The Texts will be edited in Microsoft Word 2003 A4 format, 2.5 cm left and 1 cm up, down, right, font Times New
Roman, with diacritical ( Romanian letters ) size 12, edited at 1.5 lines.
Ways of presentation for indirect participation:
- presenting the paper by a delegated person or a member of the committee or by posting the paper on the symposium site.
- The most important papers will be published in a ISBN electronic brochure.
The indirect participants will get their diplomas and certificates by post thus they will send on the school “Mihai Viteazul Targoviste” address: Prof. Al. Vasilescu Street No 1. Targoviste, an envelope A4 that will be auto-addressed and pre-stamped ( stamps are double worth than the normal stamps ).
The indirect participation of the teachers from the distrist is forbidden, only the direct one is accepted.
The evaluation will be possible as it follows:
The Evaluation Paper will be completed at the activity Questionaire The Portfolio editing that has to contain the list of all participants at the two sections, the list with papers, the drawings of the winner, the rules of the contest, the opinions in the media, the photo albums, the articles in the local newspapers, the papers exhibition, the ISBN brochure,
that will be electronic edited and will containt the most valuable works.
Each paper will be rewarded by a diploma.
- consolidation of relationships among teachers from different schools.
- creation of a website on which there will be the most creative presentations, articles, all presented papers, ISBN brochure.
- The importance of the content, abilities and competences acquired in the education system in practical contexts, well anchored in the daily reality.
- Enriching of the didactic experiences
- Planification of similar activities through educative partnerships
- Improvement of the relation teacher-student from the educational and extracurricular activities.
- presentation in the pedagogical meeting and methodic commissions.
- mediatisation in local and national press
International Symposium
The School and the library partners for
permanent education
Name First Name
Name First Name
Address / School
Town District
Phone Number
At home / Mobile
Home Address
The title of the paper
The section of the paper
The type of participation □ Direct □ Indirect
The way of participation (tick the chosen type)
□ PowerPoint □ Poster □ Other Types (write down)
The number of the authors on the paper