Astăzi, 7 martie 2008, la Université Paul Valery -Montpellier III din Franța, Președintele Université Paul Valery -Montpellier III, Domnul Jean-Marie Miossec a acordat în ședință solemnă Diploma de DOCTOR HONORIS CAUZA Domnului Andrei Marga Profesor de filosofie, Rector al Universității Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, România, fost ministru al Ministerului Educației Naționale precum și Domnului Salah Eddine Cherrad Profesor de geografie, Decanul Facultății de științe naturale, geografie și amenajării teritoriului la Université Mentouri Constantine din Algeria.
Discursul oficial a fost susținut de Domnul Jean-Marie Miossec, urmat de un elogiu prezentat de renumitul profesor universitar Carol Iancu.
La ceremonia decernării Diplomelor de DOCTOR HONORIS CAUZA au rostit alocuțiuni domnul Andrei Marga precum și Salah Eddine Cherrad.
Programul a fost continuat cu un intermezzo muzical și tradiționala cupă de șampanie în onoarea laureaților.
Date and place of birth: May 22, 1946, Romania
Marital status: married to Delia-Felicia Marga, Ph.D., lecturer for Applied English at Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj
Present position: Rector, Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj (1993 - to date)
Professor of Contemporary philosophy and general logic, Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj, Faculty of European Studies
Education: 1971 Bachelor's degree in philosophy and sociology, Babes-Bolyai University ö Cluj
1976 Ph.D. in contemporary philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj
1975-1976 DAAD Scholarship in Germany (Freiburg im Breisgau and Bielefeld Universities)
1980-2001 DAAD fellowships in Germany (Erlangen, MŸnster and Frankfurt am Main Universities, "Max Planck" Institute - Starnberg)
1991 Woodrow Wilson Center Fellowship (USA, Washington DC)
1996 National Endowment for Democracy Fellowship (USA, Washington DC)
Foreign languages: English, German, French
Academic positions:
1971-1979 Assistant Lecturer in the History of philosophy and the Philosophy of history, Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj
1979-1990 Senior Lecturer in Contemporary philosophy and general logic, Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj
1990 Professor of Contemporary philosophy and general logic, Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj
Areas of interest:
Contemporary philosophy; philosophy of European unification; American pragmatism; general logic; philosophical methodology and argumentation
1990-1992 Dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj
1992-1993 Vice-Rector , Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj
1993 to date Rector , Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj
In this period the University has experienced the most comprehensive development in its history. It has been organised as a multicultural university , with complete lines of study in Romanian, Hungarian and German. The number of faculties has reached 20, with 113 degrees offering specializations. Babes-Bolyai University has become the most complex institution of higher education in Romania. It has also become part of the international network universities.
1997-2000 Minister of National Education . In this period, the program of a comprehensive reform of education has been launched. It involves the reform of the curriculum, the change in the organization and the financial management of education, the reorganization of the scientific research, decentralization, the creation of a new relationship between school and its social and economic environment, the improvement of the infrastructure, the introduction of the information technology and of the advanced forms of international cooperation. The aim of the reform is a complete transition to a European system of education in Romania.
2001 Elected on the Board of the European University Association
1985 "Simion Barnutiu - Romanian Academy Award for the book Actiune si ratiune în conceptia lui Jurgen Habermas (Action and Reason with Jurgen Habermas)
1999 Doctor Honoris Causa - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University - Iasi
1999 Honorary Citizen of the Cities of Bistrita and Sibiu - Romania
1999 Grand Officier de l'Ordre National du Merite - Republique Francais
2000 Gra-Cruz da Ordem National do Merito - Republica Portuguesa
2000 Ordinul National Pentru Merit , rangul Mare Cruce , Romania
2000 Doctor Honoris Causa - "Ion Creanga" University of Chisinau, Republic of Moldavia
2000 Doctor Honoris Causa - University of Baia Mare, Romania
2000 Ordinul Crucea Sfântului Andrei - Galati, Romania
2000 Insigne Aureum - University of Maribor, Slovenia
Publications: In Romania, USA, Germany, France
Single author of 19 books
* Herbert Marcuse. Studiu critic (Herbert Marcuse. A Critical Study),
Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1980, 250 p.
* Cunoastere si sens. Perspective critice asupra pozitivismului
(Cognition and Sense. A Critical Approach of Positivism), Editura
Politica, Bucuresti, 1984, 256 p.
* Actiune si ratiune în conceptia lui JŸrgen Habermas (Action and Reason
with JŸrgen Habermas), Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1985, 306 p.
* Rationalitate, comunicare, argumentare (Rationality, Communication,
Argumentation), Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1991, 327 p.
* Introducere în metodologia si argumentarea filosofica (Introduction in
the Philosophical Methodology and Argumentation), Editura Dacia, Cluj,
1992, 194 p.
* Philosophy in the Eastern Transition Editura Apostrof, Cluj, 1993, 200 p.
* Explorari în actualitate (Explorations into the Present Time), Editura
Apostrof, Cluj, 1995, 187 p.
* Phylosophy in the Eastern Transition (expended edition), Editura
Apostrof, Cluj, 1995, 283 p.
* Filosofia unificarii europene (The Philosophy of the European
Unification), Editura Apostrof, Cluj, 1995, 257 p.
* Universitatea în tranzitie (University in Transition), Editura
Apostrof, Cluj, 1996, 209 p.
* Filosofia unificarii europene (The Philosophy of the European
Unification, second edition), Editura Apostrof, Cluj, 1997, 392 p.
* Academic Reform. A Case Study. Cluj University Press, Cluj, 1997, 100 p.
* Reconstructia pragmatica a filosofiei (The Pragmatic Reconstruction of
Philosophy), Editura Polirom, Iasi, 1998, 193 p.
* Educatia în tranzitie (Education in Transition), Editura Dacia, Cluj,
1999, 126 p.
* Relativismul si consecintele sale (Relativism and Its Consequences),
Editura Studiilor Europene, Cluj, 1999, 200 p.
* Anii reformei 1997-2000 (The Years of Reform 1997-2000), Editura
Studiilor Europene, Cluj, 2001, 200 p.
* University Reform Today, Cluj University Press, 2001, 214 p.
* Bildung und Modernisierung, Cluj University Press, 2001, 206 p.
* Introducere în filosofia contemporana (Introduction in the Contemporary
Philosophy), Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2002, 560 p.
* Iesirea din trecut (documente si reflectii) (Path out of the Past.
Documents and reflections), Editura Alma Mater, Cluj, 2002, p. 264
Studies and articles:
* Limits and Dilemmas of the Transition, in Elzbieta Matynia (ed.),
Grappling with Democracy. Deliberations on Post-Communist Societies
1900-1995, Sociologiske Nakladeltsvi, Prague, 1996, pp.92-103.
* Grenzen und Dilemmata der Transformation, in Armin Nassehi (Strsg.),
Nation, Ethnie und Minderheit. BetrÅ ge zur AktualitÅ t Ethnischer
Konflikte, BÅ¡hlau Verlag, KÅ¡ln, Weimar, Wien, 1997, pp. 409-426.
* Reforming and Postcommunist University, in Journal of Democracy,
Washington DC. Volume 8, Number 2, 1997, pp. 159-167.
* †ber die kulturellen Ressourcen der Demokratisierung. Der Fall
RumŠnien,in Emeritierung von Georg Weber, MŸnster, 1997, pp. 21-32.
* Die rumÅ nisch-deutschen Kulturbeziehungen nach 1989. Die Erfahrung der
Babes-Bolyai-UniversitÅ t, Klausenburg, in Krista Zach (Hrsg.), RumÅ nien
im Brennpunkt, Sprache und Politik, IdentitÅ t und Ideologie im Wandel,
Verlag SŸdostdeutsches Kulturwerk, MŸnchen, 1998, pp. 111-118.
* Babes-Bolyai-University of Cluj, in An European Agenda for Change for
Higher Education in the XXIst Century. Twenty Case Studies, edited by
Andris Barblan, Catherine Fayant, Mary OâMahony, UNESCO, CRE, 1998, pp.
* Grundvoraussetzungen fŸr eine Reform des Unterrichtswesens im heutigen
RumÅ niens, in Horst Fassel (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftsstrukturen vor und
nach 1989. Funktionsmodelle und EntwŸrfe, TŸbingen, 1998, pp. 9-18.
* Experiencing Multicultural Organisation: The Case of
Babes-Bolyai-University, in Higher Education in Europe, vol. XXIII, No.
1, 1998, pp. 77-82.
* The Universitiesâ New Future in Europe, in Proceedings of the 11th
General Assembly, CRE, Berlin, 1998, pp. 65-70.
* Grundvoraussetzungen fŸr eine Reform des Unterrichtswesens im heutigen
RumÅ nien, in Horst Fassel (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftsstrukturen in RumÅ nien
vor und nach 1989. Funktionsmodelle und EntwŸrfe, Institut fŸr
Donaugeschichte und Landeskunde, MŸnchen, 1998, pp. 9-18.
* Vom Relativismus zu den festen Werten, in Horst Fassel und Christian
Waack (Hrsg.), Regionen im Å¡stlichen Europa - KontinuitÅ ten, ZÅ suren
und Perspektiven, TŸbinger Geographische Studien, Heft 128, 2000, pp.
* Babes-Bolyai-University of Cluj, in Ten Years After and Looking Ahead:
A Review of the Transformations of Higher Education in Central and
Eastern Europe, UNESCO, 2000, pp. 249-272.
* Remembrance of Tragedy, in Stockholm International Forum on the
Holocaust, Graphium Orsteds, Stockholm, 2000, pp. 143-144, etc.
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